Send a donation!
Nickelsville is a 501c3 tax-exempt organization registered in the State of Washington.
Our EIN number is 46-4372708.
Nickelsville sites do not accept donations of cash, checks, or gift cards or certificates. Please mail these to the address below:
P.O. Box 2033
Seattle, WA 98111
Donate items to our villages.
Wish List
Toilet Paper
Hand sanitizer
Compostable or reusable plates, bowls, and silverware
Cleaning supplies
Dish soap
Sanitizing spray (Clorox, Lysol, etc.)
Paper towels
Blankets, sleeping bags, pillows
Non-perishable Food (Cans, dry goods, etc.)
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
33-gallon, black, tie-closure, trash bags and kitchen compost bags
Batteries of all sizes
Flashlights and battery powered lanterns
Hygiene supplies
Shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toothpaste/toothbrushes, etc.
Women’s hygiene products (pads,tampons)
Nickelsville’s Tiny House Villages
Nickelsville Central District
805 21st Ave
Nickelsville Northlake
3814 4th Ave. NE
Seasonal clothing, food, blankets, and sleeping bags are welcomed. If unsure, call first to see whether your items can be used.
We cannot accept heavy furniture such as wooden dressers, tables, etc., no upholstered furniture, mattresses, computers, printers, or large appliances, please. We cannot store out-or-season clothing or footwear.
We cannot use large quantities of bread or other baked